
theme word


Happy New Year! 

If you are reading this, I wish you a healthy, joyful and peaceful 2025!  Do you have a word of the year 2025? A word of the year is a theme word that you can draw upon to remind you of where you are and where you want to be throughout the year. 

Like holidays of previous years, I took some time this holiday season to reflect on the previous year – and years – thinking about the highlights as well as the challenges I faced personally and professionally. Our family also enjoys talking about Christmases past, sharing stories about past. Reflecting on the past makes for room to a clearer path for the future, understanding unhealthy patterns and lessons learned from mistakes to move forward.

With all of the learning and observations from that year, I like to select a word that can summarize what I’d like the new year to bring and represent. Resolutions are easily broken but a focus or theme word can be easier to recall during times of uncertainty. A theme word can help you focus your intentions more easily, serving as a mantra when you get off track of your goals or lose focus on what your intentions are.

It’s interesting to look back at some of my theme words over the past 10 years:

2014 – flourish
2015 – focus, be, leisure
2016 – nurture
2017 – manifest
2018 – clarify, courage, celebration
2019 – pivot
2020 – open
2021 – grounding
2022 –  grounding* though I didn’t write a new word, the word ‘grounding’ trickled into 2022
2023 –
2024 – healing

How do you choose a theme word of the year?

It can seem daunting to choose a theme word of the year that best summarizes what you aspire to be, do and accomplish in a year. What is one word that captures the overall mood or sentiment you hope to embrace in 2025?

With some reflection, you’ll likely discover one word—or even a few, as I did in 2018. Take a moment to consider your personal and professional aspirations for the year ahead. Think about the emotions and feelings you want to foster. Do any recurring themes or patterns emerge?

Where do you envision yourself in the future?

Are you aiming to emphasize joy, resilience, growth, or gratitude? Choose a word that captures the emotional tone you aspire to. Imagine yourself reaching your goals and embodying the qualities tied to your chosen theme. Taking some time to sit or lie down, practice deep breathing, and visualize your future can help the right word naturally come to mind.
What do you want to accomplish?

What experiences do you hope to gain? Are there habits you want to build or break? What core values matter most to you? Your theme word should resonate with these values and represent the person you aspire to be. At the same time, remain flexible and ready to adapt your theme word as the year progresses. Remember, nothing is set in stone, and change is constant. Your priorities or circumstances may evolve, so stay open to shifting your focus if needed.

Now that you’ve chosen your theme word, what’s next?

After selecting your theme word, consider creating a visual reminder like a vision board or a desktop wallpaper featuring the word prominently. A vision board can be most helpful as the process of searching and finding images that best reflect your theme and goals can help solidify them. Often, we may not know what we’re looking for until we see it visually, so this would be a helpful exercise.

Alternatively, you can set a daily reminder on your phone with your word, accompanied by an inspirational or motivational message if it resonates. These small prompts can help reinforce your dedication to your theme word and keep you focused throughout the year..

Word of the Year 2025

After a period of grieving and healing, 2025 is a year to start anew and so much two words are:

Regenerate and Explore

Regenerate means to re-create or revive something anew, bringing into existence again a renewed sense of life and hope. Regeneration can apply to personal development, where one might regenerate their mindset, habits, or lifestyle, or even physical regeneration, like focusing on health and wellness. It’s about embracing the cycle of renewal, where the old is transformed into something vibrant and thriving.

Explore is all about venturing into the unknown, seeking new opportunities, and expanding your horizons. It’s an invitation to push past your current boundaries and dive into new experiences. It’s a word that embodies curiosity and adventure, pushing you to seek out the unknown and discover new passions, opportunities, and destinations. “Explore” reminds you to keep an open mind and actively search for experiences that enrich both your work and life.

What is your word for 2025?

Another year written in the books! As we look to a fresh beginning in 2023, there is a sense of renewed energy, excitement, and hope. The first few days of January are always a time to reflect on the past year, and make plans for the new one ahead. Now is the time to regroup, refocus, and make new goals and plans.  

Making a list of goals early in the year makes it easier to crank the gears into motion, starting off the new year on a positive and productive note. What helps is creating a word for 2023, a theme word to help keep you focused on your goals, or overall state of being for the upcoming  year.

What’s your word?

A recent trend is giving the new year a theme word which will represent your focus in all aspects of your life. The idea of choosing one year to sum up a theme seems both daunting and exciting at the same time. Is it possible to choose one word that encompass all of the things you hope to be, do, and accomplish in a full year?

In 2014, my word was flourish – a time to see my business grow and expand. In 2015, I couldn’t choose one word so I opted for three theme words for the year. In 2016, my word was nurture; I felt that I had the foundation for my career, and new relationships formed, that it was time to nurture them. In 2017, my word was manifest; working to make my dreams materialize. Last year, I chose three theme words as I couldn’t narrow down to one.

What is your word for 2023?

Do you have a theme word for 2023? Narrowing your goals for the year to just one word can be a challenge. But what would your word be?

My word for 2019 is PIVOT.


1a shaft or pin on which something turns

2aa person, thing, or factor having a major or central role, function, or effect

ba key player or position

Why did I choose pivot as my word for 2023?

This past year was a rollercoaster of events and emotions. In retrospect, I learned many lessons this year, some of which were painful but necessary. Forced to look at things more intensely and analytically, while making my health and mental well-being top priority. A good chunk of the time was spent engaging in introspection; looking inward, and tuning into my feelings, triggers, strengths, and weaknesses; and putting in the work for self-growth.

This year was about letting go of the ego, listening to my inner voice, trusting in that voice, and finding the answers from within. Remembering and surrendering to who I inherently am in the deepest sense.

PIVOT for me means being grounded like the shaft or pin on which something turns, but being able to turn smoothly and efficiently in whichever direction I need to go. It means I have the foundation I need to grow and allowing myself to be open and flexible to opportunities (and challenges) that come my way. Pivot also means a person (or thing) being a key player in a major role, which is what I’d like to encompass as I move forward in my career.

This year, I continue to wish to have clarity and purpose in all that I say and do, and be clear with my intentions and goals. I wish to spend more time doing what is most important to me, and letting go of things that don’t serve me; allowing myself to let go of the people and things that cause unhappiness and stress. I also wish to continue to be gentle with myself, and while working towards my goals are a priority, being able to honour my mind, body and soul and take time for self-care.

With clarity and confidence, I feel I’m ready turn the page, and enter 2019 with openness, acceptance and light.

What is your word for 2023?

What is your Word for 2019

Well, that’s a wrap! Another year in the books. The Christmas break was an opportunity to take a break from writing, unplug from social media, and spend time with my family.

And now, a new year is upon us! This is the time to regroup, refocus and being planning for the new year. With each and every new year comes a new chance to begin anew, to create new opportunities, and set new goals.

Making a list of goals early in the year makes it easier to crank the gears into motion, starting off the new year on a positive and productive note.

What’s your word?

A recent trend is giving the new year a theme word which will represent your focus in all aspects of your life. The idea of choosing one year to sum up a theme seems both daunting and thrilling at the same time. How can one word encompass all of the things you hope to be, do, and accomplish in a full year?

In 2014, my word was flourish – a time to see my business grow and expand. In 2015, I couldn’t choose one word so I opted for three theme words for the year. In 2016, my word was nurture; I felt that I had the foundation for my career, and new relationships formed, that it was time to nurture them. In 2017, my word was manifest; working to make my dreams materialize.

What is your word for 2018?

What is Your Word for 2018?

Do you have a theme word for 2018? Narrowing your goals for the year to just one word can be a challenge. But what would your word be?

This year again I chose three words; I wish to have clarity and purpose in all that I do, and be clear with my intentions and goals. Making a list of what is important, and what can be let go of, can help to see things more clearly. After all, our ultimate goal in life is to be happy, no? The key is to do more of what you enjoy and you will continually clarify what it is that you want to do, be and have in life. It’s also crucial to let go of what doesn’t work for you anymore, what makes you unhappy, and people/things/obligations that cause you stress and negativity.

I also plan to use courage to speak from my mind and heart. My goal is to be even more truthful and open with courage and clarity in dealing with other people, and with myself too.

Celebration is my third word; this year, my book is scheduled to be published, finally! It’s been a labour of love so to see this project so dear to my heart come to fruition is a reason is a dream come true.  I plan to celebrate my accomplishment this year by being open to opportunity, laughter and love as well as being gentler on myself too.


What is your word for 2018?