Happy New Year! With each and every new year comes a new chance to start again. New opportunities to make a fresh beginning, and set new goals.
The holidays – while overindulgent and entertaining – are also a time for deep reflection. Early January is a time to regroup, refocus and begin planning and scheduling for the rest of the year. Making a list of goals early in the year makes it easier to crank the gears into motion, starting off the new year on a positive and productive note.
One Word
A recent trend has been to come up with one word as a theme word for the year. For those of you who like setting goals, the idea of your goal or theme for the year summed up into one single word seems both daunting and thrilling at the same time.
What one word would encompass all of the things you hope to be, do, accomplish in a year?
In 2014, my word was flourish – a time to see my business grow and expand. In 2015, I couldn’t choose one word so I opted for three theme words for the year.
In 2016, my word was nurture; I felt that I had the foundation for my career, and new relationships formed, that it was time to nurture them.
What is your word for 2017?
Do you have a theme word for 2017? Narrowing your goals for the year to just one word can be a challenge. But what would your word be?
Here is my word for 2017:
clear or obvious to the eye or mind.
readily perceived by the eye or the understanding; evident; obvious;apparent;
display or show (a quality or feeling) by one’s acts or appearance; demonstrate.
to make clear or evident to the eye or the understanding; show plainly:
to prove; put beyond doubt or question
Manifesting is being able to convert the energy of our thoughts and dreams into a new materialized form.
We are always manifesting. Each thought you have informs your energy, and your energy manifests into your experiences. Your thoughts and energy create your reality.
Beginning with one intention at a time, you can manifest your desires, and create anything in your life.
This year, my book is going to be published. It’s been a labour of love for several years; a goal that I’ve been working towards since I began my blog.
There are some things I’ve written and revealed in my book that I haven’t written about before… personal thoughts that I haven’t yet shared. But now I’m ready to reveal them – and discuss them more openly and fully.
My book is after all entitled, “The Truth About Motherhood: What They Didn’t Tell You… About the First Year.” My goal is to be more truthful and open about some of my own personal experiences.
I feel like 2017 will be year where everything I’ve worked towards is finally manifesting; and with that, my hope is to continue to grow and flourish.