
baby items a new mom can’t live withou


by Franki Arnold

While my husband and I were sitting and attempting to make a list of things that we will definitely be needing for this baby (we got rid of most of Tatum’s stuff since we weren’t sure when we’d be bringing another little one into the world!), we kept drawing blanks about what was really necessary. Now that I’m in my third trimester, I’m trying to get everything prepared and somewhat ready for baby’s arrival, so it was imperative that I get a move on organizing everything.

When I was expecting Tatum, I was told that we would need SO many items besides the obvious diapers, wipes and onesies. We were gifted with a swing, a bottle warmer, wipes warmer, and several other “necessary” items that ultimately ended up collecting dust and were given away or donated. The gifts were very well intentioned, but we had a lot of things cluttering up our space that we never used.

With this baby, we want to make sure that we only have what we REALLY need. I’m not a big fan of waste, and any ways we can keep the baby necessities to a minimum is ideal for me. Now that we’ve experienced becoming parents to a baby and what they really entail, we knew what was important for us to have and what wasn’t.

Here are 5 baby items a new mom can’t live without:

1. Baby Carrier/Wrap

A baby carrier or wrap is a lifesaver. Whether you are becoming parents for the first time and will need it to soothe your baby to sleep (babies love being near their mamas!), or to get some dishes done while your little one wants to be held, or if you are been-there-done-that parents who will need it mostly to be able to chase after your other children, you will not regret this purchase. There are so many benefits to baby-wearing (helps babies to cry less, to keep postpartum depression at bay, and great for baby’s mental development, to name a few!), and being able to have the use of your arms and hands is a priceless gift when you have a newborn who likes to be held! This is number one on our list of must-haves.

2. Bouncy Chair

For the times when baby-wearing was not possible, such as shower time or while cooking supper, a bouncy chair was one of our most-used items. It came with me in the bathroom while I got cleaned up, while I was in the kitchen, or when Tatum was old enough to eat solids, she sat in it while we fed her. It was comfortable enough for her to nap in and didn’t take up too much space. Another really great item to add to the “must-have” list!

5 baby items you can't live without
Franki at 27 weeks
3.  Comfortable Glider/Rocking Chair

We didn’t have a glider when Tatum was a baby, and I do not know how my back survived the many hours of sitting up in bed nursing Tatum or rocking and swaying her to sleep. Our very first purchase for this baby was a glider, and I can already tell it is going to be used a lot. Babies love movement, and having a glider in your bedroom/nursery to rock to sleep or to sit comfortable in while you nurse your baby will be well worth the investment.

4. Big, Roomy Diaper Bag

Right now I have a huge Timi & Leslie diaper bag waiting to be filled with all of our new baby’s items. It has several little comparmtents as well as a handy little clutch that comes with it for mom’s essentials. Having a diaper bag that’s big enough to fit an extra change of clothes, our fluffy bum Genius cloth diapers, wipes, perhaps a few pumped bottles of breast milk if my husband is with the baby, a change pad, plus toys, receiving blankets, and our necessities is crucial. Make sure you have one that is wipe-able on the inside and outside in case of spills or other mishaps!

5. Food Processor

When Tatum first started solids, I went out and bought a bunch of baby food in jars for her. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw how expensive those teeny jars of food are, and I also remember feeling a bit wary about feeding her food that has been sitting on a shelf for so long. David and I did some searching around on the internet and found some great and easy baby food recipes, and we set to work making our own baby food. Not only was it super easy and much cheaper than the pre-made kind, we also knew exactly what our child was eating. To make baby food, all you need is a good processor and you are on your way. We currently use a Cuisinart 12-cup processor, but you can get them in several different sizes to fit your needs. Spend a couple of hours (maximum) on the weekend prepping and processing food, and your baby has fresh, wholesome and budget-friendly baby food!

What were the baby items you couldn’t live without?


frank arnold bio picFranki Arnold, owner/operator and blogger of Those Young Moms is a 26-year-old mother to 4 1/2 year old Tatum and expecting baby number two in July 2013. Franki is passionate about natural and empowering birth for women, organic and healthy eating for families, easy chic fashion for moms and big cups of coffee. She hopes to inspire women through blogging about her journey towards a VBAC with her second pregnancy. Find her also on Facebook and Twitter.