by Dee Brun

If someone asked you what you really wanted for Mother’s Day, what would you say?

Of course as mothers we would all say, “Oh nothing, just the love from my family is enough”.

Of course this is all true and the home made card, Quickie Mart flowers, burnt breakfast in bed and macaroni necklace are all a wonderful bonus. But if no one was listening and judging, what would you really ask for?

First let’s take a look at the word “want” for a minute. I did some research trying to find out the exact medical terminology for the metamorphosis that takes place as soon as we become mothers.

I know there are many, but this particular one is where the word “need” is totally erased from our vocabulary and replaced with “want”. Of course my search came up empty. How do we, perfectly intelligent, rational women, forgo our basic human needs and now see them as wants?Also, as we all know, referring to something as a “want” when you’re a mother carries along with it another dreaded four letter word… GUILT!

If you actually look these two words up in the dictionary you would be surprised how very similar their definitions really are… Go ahead, have a look, I’ll wait….

So this Mother’s Day, I wish to profess to my husband and four children how much I truly love and appreciate all of them. And thank you in advance for the clay paperweight, decoupage card and carnations.

But if no one was listening and judging, this is what I really want for Mother’s Day:

1.  EAT.   I want to eat a meal, that I so lovingly prepared for my family, once a week without having to feed someone else. Just one fork, one plate and one hot meal from start to finish.

2.  SLEEP.   One night a week I would like to enjoy a full nights sleep. Trust me, this will be more of a gift to my family. Sleep = Happy…Happy mom, Happy wife, Happy life…

3.  MY NAME.  Don’t get me wrong, hearing the word mamma, mom or any version of this word is the sweetest sound on earth and I would trade everything I have to hear it forever. But for one day a month I would like to hang out with people who call me Dee.

4.   TIME.  Just a little bit of it alone, to do something silly. Like clean my purse that has now become another diaper bag.

5.  TIME REWIND.   I would like my 22 year old breasts back…  OK so I can’t have everything, but a girl can dream can’t she???

Happy Mother’s Day to all of you Goddesses. And always remember the best Mother’s Day gift is the blessing of actually being a mother… and an evening with George Clooney a close second. 


Love your Mamma Martini…with a little slice of peace and quiet…

2 oz Watermelon Vodka (Smirnoff available LCBO)

2 oz lemon juice

1/2 oz simple syrup (equal parts sugar/warm water)

3 slices cucumber

2 mint leaves

Shake vodka, juice, syrup and mint leaves with ice. Serve in a martini glass with ice.

Garnish with cucumber floating on the top of cocktail. This cocktail is best made up ahead of time so mint and cucumber flavours can infuse infuse into the cocktail.

Make a pitcher the day before and invite the other Mom’s over to enjoy some if that TIME you asked for!

Dee Brun aka CocktailDeeva is the author Libations of Life, A Girls Guide to Life One Cocktail at a Time, resident Cocktail’ista on CBC’s The Steven and Chris Show; home entertaining columnist at Toronto Star; Home Entertaining Guru, writer, humorist, wife, mother of 4, TV Junkie, shoe-aholic and borderline George Clooney stalker.



Maria Lianos-Carbone is the author of “Oh Baby! A Mom’s Self-Care Survival Guide for the First Year”, and publisher of, a leading lifestyle blog for women.


  1. Roofing in Austin Reply

    I hope you get what you want this Mother’s Day. But if you don’t lemme just say nothing in this world can be more special than moms. Happy Moms Day!

  2. Ladybug Mamma Reply

    Brilliant brilliant brilliant! Dee you are an excellent writer and all I wish for this Mom’s Day is one of your martinis!

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