
getting your great legs ready for summer


Summer is just around the corner which means pretty pedicured feet, flowing dresses and mini-skirts. Time to show off those great legs! Since I wear pants most of the winter, my legs are looking a little rough, and in need of some TLC… a good wax or shave isn’t going to cut it. It’s time to get those legs out of hibernation, and get ready for great legs this summer!

Some women don’t feel comfortable showing off those gams! About three-quarters of Canadian women experience swollen legs, varicose veins, and the feeling of heavy, painful and tired legs. These symptoms get worse in the summer too.

I didn’t know there is an actual medical term for these symptoms, called chronic venous insufficiency or CVI. Our daily lifestyle habits such as prolonged sitting or standing can cause CVI symptoms. When blood flow in the lower legs is impaired, it pools in the lower limbs causing pain, swelling, heaviness, tiredness and varicose veins.

Three-quarters of Canadian women say they have experienced at least one CVI symptom at some point in time, yet less than one in five women are aware of the condition.

While most women have experienced at least one symptom of CVI at some point in time in their lives, more than half of Canadian women experience tired legs, and 1 in 5 suffer from heavy legs and varicose veins.

It’s no wonder many of us are self-conscious about baring our legs in the warm summer months. So how do we get great legs this summer?

Here are some simple tips to get your great legs ready for summer.

5 Ways to Get Great Legs this Summer

 5 Ways to Get Great Legs this Summer | amotherworld | www.amotherworld.com

Get those legs moving

Exercise is good for the body for many reasons, but it’s also good for your legs. Research shows more than 60 per cent of women spend more than four hours a day on sedentary activities, like watching TV and sitting at a desk.

So, get up from your desk often, ideally every hour and walk around the office. Rather than take a coffee break while sitting, go out for a quick power walk. Also, do stretches or leg exercises like squats, or if you can, do leg weights at home or at the gym to strengthen those muscles.

Eat well for good circulation

Eating well not only does your heart and body good, but also your legs. A balanced diet that includes plenty of fibre, fresh fruits and vegetables can help maintain good leg vein circulation and keep your heart healthy. Don’t forget to drink plenty of water too!

Good Posture

Did you know that your posture can also affect how your legs feel? Make sure you keep your shoulders back, chest up and stomach pulled in. But you need to also remember “leg posture” – make a conscious effort not to cross your legs, or at least not for a long period of time, as crossing your legs can restrict blood flow to and from the legs! Reminding yourself about maintain a good posture will help throughout the day.

5 Ways to Get Great Legs this Summer | amotherworld


Give your legs a boost with Antistax™

Approved by Health Canada, Antistax™ is an herbal medicine that contains Red Vine Leaf Extract. Pharmacologists analyzed the active ingredient of the Red Vine Leaf and developed it into an effective extract. This herbal extract is the basis of Antistax™, which when used has been shown to improve lower leg blood flow, reduce swelling (lower leg edema) and relieve the feeling of pain, heaviness and tiredness. Antistax™ is available in the supplement section of your local pharmacy. Red Vine Leaf Extract has been used for decades, beginning with French farmers who made infusions and poultices from vine leaves to treat their heavy, swollen and painful legs.

Love your legs

While Canadian women are investing in their hair and skin, they are not showing their legs the same amount of care. Your legs are screaming for attention! Stimulate circulation in your legs by gently massaging them with your hands or a natural bristle brush in the shower. Help the circulation and the flexibility in your legs too by using a mix of hot and cold bursts of water.


get your great legs ready for summer


What do you do to get your legs ready for summer?


This post is proudly sponsored by Antistax™. As always, opinions expressed are my own.