There’s no place like home. I felt that way as soon as I entered my house after a month away. I missed my favourite couch, my comfy bed, and, yes, even my kitchen.

When you haven’t been in a space for a long time, it looks and feels different after you return. But it doesn’t take very long to ease back into that ever-so-comfortable familiar setting.

Home is where the heart is – the centre of your life and your family’s foundation. Even after a long day out at work, or a whirlwind weekend getaway, there is nothing more enjoyable than coming home.

Now with the seasons changing, I’m looking forward to baking and cooking my favourite comfort foods, like apple pie. Autumn wouldn’t be the same without apple picking, and preserving apple pie filling for the colder months ahead. Soon enough, Thanksgiving will be upon us, and the exotic scents of pumpkin spice, cinnamon, and spices like thyme and rosemary will warm up my kitchen.

I’ll welcome a mini-escape from the kids and the hockey rink where I can curl up with a book and enjoy a coffee in my favourite reading chair. Or a yoga “retreat” in my home office, with my favourite meditation music and hypnotizing incense.

But before I know it, I’ll be dreaming about my next beach vacation, the memories of the tropical breeze and whiffs of the sand and salty ocean flooding my mind. Sometimes I close my eyes, imagine the sun on my skin and smell the beach! While I’m not physically there, I know I can bring that atmosphere into my home with décor and similar scents – to remind me of my happy place.

Air Wick® Life Scents™ has some of those favourite scents that you can bring into your home, invoking those wonderful feelings and memories.

Mom’s Baking: Enjoy the aroma of caramelized pears with a hint of spice, baked inside a crumbly, buttery pie crust topped with cool vanilla cream. The fragrance creates a sense of coziness and inspires warm childhood memories at home.

Summer Delights: Transform your home into a garden on a beautiful, breezy summer evening with its cool, fruity, floral combination of fresh cantaloupe slices, white flowers, and vanilla ice cream.

Turquoise Oasis: Turn your home into a seaside retreat as a warm breeze carrying salty sea spray washes over you, bringing with it the invigorating aroma of weathered driftwood.

Sweet Lavender Days: Let the intoxicating aroma of endless lavender fields, layered with dewy summer berries and warm sugar cane, create a sense of comfort, freshness and relaxation in your home.


Share #HomeIsInTheAir for a chance to win a $5,000 Room Makeover! How to enter:

Capture It – On Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter, upload a photo of a special space in your home with a brief caption describing what you enjoy doing there.

Tag It – Tag your image with #HomeIsInTheAir

Win It – At the end of the contest period, the most inspiring entry as determined by hearts, retweets, likes, and a panel of Air Wick®  judges, will receive a $5,000 Room Makeover

Unlike ordinary home fragrances, each Air Wick® Life Scents™ fragrance contains three constantly changing scents that let you create your own home experience. Try the new air freshener collection from Air Wick®– Available in four multi-layered fragrances.

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Disclosure: This post was brought to you by Air Wick®  Canada via Mode Media Canada.  The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Air Wick® Canada.



Maria Lianos-Carbone is the author of “Oh Baby! A Mom’s Self-Care Survival Guide for the First Year”, and publisher of, a leading lifestyle blog for women.


  1. This is exactly how I feel about home! The more I travel the more I love being home. People ask me where my favorite place to visit is and it is home. Love this contest! I will be entering. 🙂 Thanks!

  2. Robin (Masshole Mommy) Reply

    I always have air fresheners in my house because well, my boys are smelly! It sounds like these scents are WONDERFUL.

  3. I live in the testosterone castle. It is a place that can smell of funky socks and sweat all too easily. I love Airwicks. They make my house smell wonderful instead of like a stinky gym locker.

  4. I do like to travel, but I’m also a pretty decent homebody. I enjoy spending time in my home and my space, especially when it smells good! lol

  5. Agree.. I enjoy traveling around the world but always feel better at my own home 😉

  6. Elizabeth O. Reply

    I feel you. My home is my sanctuary, although there are times that I also feel that I need to get away for a bit. I will always miss home. Those scents would be a nice touch if ever I’d like to make the rooms in my house feel more home-y. Thanks for sharing!

  7. I agree. i really want to travel around the world but it feels comfortable when i was in my own home.

  8. After a long day at work, it would be nice to come home to a fresh smelling house. I will purchase AirWicks and place them strategically around the house. Thanks for the review and for letting us know about the contest.

  9. Coming to a home that smells so nice is very comforting. I haven’t heard of AirWicks until now, but I will check this out.

  10. I love airwick. I’m so sad since we got a bird we can’t use them as much as I’d like because they make the house smell soo good.

  11. Coming home to light scent is so relaxing. Whenever I have to travel, I miss being at home so much!

  12. There is definitely no place like home because it is your sanctuary where you close out the world and its problems. A hotel or a friend’s house is not the same.

  13. i do love being on holiday but I always get that feeling towards the end where I am looking forward to going home. I love our home.

  14. That’s a fun contest. Who couldn’t use a five thousand dollar room makeover?

  15. We go on vacation every year and I know how you feel when you get home. I will also be trying these air fresheners. Thanks for sharing

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