
angelina jolie


gwen stefaniThree cheers for the following five celebrity moms who are making a big difference, according to CelebrityBabyScoop!

From donating to the relief efforts in Japan, to advocating for children’s literature, to building an all-girls school in Africa, take a look through our slideshow and read about five celeb moms who are giving back and making our world a better place.

Gwen Stefani:

The original Harajuku Lover, Gwen Stefani, is the latest celebrity to donate to the relief efforts in Japan.

On March 23rd, the mom of 4-year-old Kingston and 2-year-old Zuma donated $1 million to Save the Children’s Japan Earthquake-Tsunami Children in Emergency Fund to help with recovery efforts in the devastated nation.

I’ve been inspired by Japan for many years and have a true love, appreciation and respect for the Japanese people and their culture,” Gwen told Us. “The disaster in Japan is beyond heartbreaking, and I want to do anything I can to help. I would never be able to make a gesture like this without the love and support of all the fans over all these years.”

In addition to her donation, the No Doubt frontwoman is also encouraging her fans to contribute. Next week the L.A.M.B. designer will unveil a limited edition Harajuku Lovers T-shirt through nodoubt.com. All proceeds from sales will go to help in relief efforts.

Sandra Bullock:Sandra Bullock

Academy Award-winning actress Sandra Bullock was one of the first celebrities to dig deep into her pockets to help with the Japan tsunami relief. The mom of 1-year-old Louis donated $1 million to the important cause.

And that’s not the first time she’s helped out after a natural disaster. She was also involved in the disaster relief efforts following Hurricane Katrina.

Half of my family has a deep-rooted connection to the South and Louisiana, and, for me, New Orleans is one of our most precious, historic communities — visually, emotionally, artistically,” Sandy B told Vogue.



Madonna – mom of Lourdes, 14, Rocco, 10, David, 5, and Mercy, 4 – has taken on a new project. A big one! The global impact she is making with her multi-million dollar all-girls school in Malawi, Africa is immeasurable.

The Queen of Pop talked about her latest – and most important – project in the country where her youngest children originate:

“Growing up in a privileged life, I took education for granted…but coming to Malawi has taught me a lot of things and (I have) learnt to appreciate what life gives. I realized how much they deserve to be educated and so for me the best thing I could do was to build a school, a unique school that will create future female leaders, scientists, lawyers, doctors and if this school is successful it will be used as a model to replicate it in other countries.”

jennifer garnerJennifer Garner:

We all know that Jennifer Garner loves books! The Alias star and her adorable daughters – Violet, 5, and Seraphina, 2 – are often spotted out and about at carrying books.

So it’s no surprise the Emmy-nominated actress has been a longtime advocate for education and literacy in children.

There is so much unmet potential. The cycle of poverty in this state has gone on for generations, and we hope we can provide a new energy to help the kids reach their true potential and avoid that,” she told the Charleston Daily Mail. “Literacy is the most important thing you can give a child. If you can teach them to read, they can do anything.”

Angelina JolieAngelina Jolie:

Not only does she adopt orphaned children from numerous impoverished countries, Angelina Jolie also helps empower others in need. After a magnitude 7.0 earthquake hit Haiti last year, Angie sprang into action. The mother-of-six and UN Goodwill Ambassador made an official statement after the disaster, encouraging people to give to SOS:

“SOS has been in Haiti for over three decades, now raising over 300 orphaned and abandoned children and caring for 4,000 more impoverished children and families to help prevent child abandonment.

That was before the earthquake. Now the needs for orphaned children are almost incalculable. SOS has been pulling resources together to provide temporary shelter for unaccompanied children, safe areas for mothers, and food, medicine, trauma counseling, and reunification programs for families and children.

 SOS was there before the earthquake, and during it — but most importantly, SOS will be there for many years to come — to raise these children, in their communities until they are self sufficient adults.”

Thanks to Celebrity Baby Scoop

by Maria Lianos

We know the amazing perks that come along with being raised in famous family.  What are some of the pitfalls and challenges the children face?  

1.  Freedom  

Children of celebrity parents may not have the freedom that average children have.  “They may be more sheltered and protected so as not to fall prey to paparazzi or even worse,” says psychologist Sara Dimerman

2.  Normal Life and Privacy

Famous kids could grow up wishing for a more normal lifestyle and more privacy, especially when they become adolescents.  “No child wants to read about their mother’s past, her sexual life, her alcohol or addiction problems, and even her nasty divorce,” says psychotherapist Kimberly Moffit.  

Children of celeb parents may wish for more quality time with their family away from the public eye.  “They may resent their moms for having to spend so much time away and resent having to be taken care of by others when their moms are away,” says Dimerman. 

3.  Jealousy 

Some older children may be jealous of the attention that their moms are receiving and try to find ways to compete.  Think of Lindsay and Dina Lohan.   

Celeb kids also may have difficulty maintaining true friendships if they aren’t trusting of the friend’s motives.  Friends may be jealous of their status and family fame.  

4. Being Spoiled

Celebrity parents have to be careful that they don’t spoil their children so much that they can’t learn the value of money. “The biggest injustice a parent can do for their child is to make them believe they’ll never have to work for anything,” says Moffit.  Great examples of hard-working kids are Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump Jr.  

5. Quality Time  

Celeb kids may not spend enough time with mom and/or dad.  “The rules are the same for every mom – celebrity or otherwise. However, a celebrity mom’s job may be tougher because she may not be around to parent a lot of the time,” says Dimerman.  

When mom is there, its important that she dedicate as much of her time to her children as possible.