Australian reality television personality Maddi Wright shared a very bold statement: she wishes she hadn’t nursed her baby.
Maddi writes on Instagram:
I wish I never breastfed my baby. A strong statement and many would disagree but here’s why… 3 weeks post stopping breastfeeding with my 4 month old I am a completely different person. I’m a better mum and better wife. I have more energy. I actually have gaps where bub is NOT on my body so I get to miss him a little. I have more time for my other son. I am more affectionate towards my husband. I don’t dread going out in public. I enjoy my clothes again as I’m not leaking everywhere or having to wear uncomfortable maternity bras. I’m able to leave the house by myself without getting anxiety. I’m able to go to the gym again. I know I will cop alot of negative comments about this post but I think its important for mums to know that they have choices. There are so many different ways to be a mum. But what many mums forget is that MUM HAS TO BE HAPPY TOO. #breastfeeding #bottlefed #mum #baby
What do you think? I feel as though yes, every woman should choose for herself if she wants to nurse or bottle feed.
Obviously this woman was quite miserable about the idea of breastfeeding. But it’s not often that you hear a mom admit it!
Now I’m an advocate for breastfeeding. Breast milk is best for baby, and contains all the vitamins and nutrients baby needs in the first six months of life. Breast milk contains antibodies that help baby fight off viruses and bacteria. It also lowers baby’s risk of having asthma or allergies, and breastfed babies have fewer ear infections, respiratory illnesses, and bouts of diarrhea. It’s usually more easily digested than formula. So breastfed babies are often less constipated and gassy.
Breastfeeding is also good for mama as it burns extra calories, so it can help you lose pregnancy weight faster. It releases the hormone oxytocin, which helps your uterus return to its pre-pregnancy size and may reduce uterine bleeding after birth. Breastfeeding also lowers your risk of breast and ovarian cancer.
The benefits are evident. So I often wonder for those new moms who try nursing, but give up early, have they given breastfeeding a real shot?
Breastfeeding does not come naturally; it takes time, and practice, and often the help and expertise of a lactation consultant.
But not every woman can nurse, and not every woman will want to. Those who choose not to shouldn’t be made to feel bad for their decision, however.
So Maddi’s post caused quite a stir! A few commented, praising her for sharing her view:
“Very brave. I have seen so many frustrated mums and yet they never admit it is because of breastfeeding! Good for you, it doesn’t make you less of a good mother because you did this! Everyone should choose what makes them happy!”
“I wish you were able to enjoy breastfeeding, but if you are not and you are in pain, I think you made the correct call. I respect you for speaking up and put a voice to a lot of mums in your position. I wish people would be more empathetic.”
“Of course you are going to defend formula. You don’t want to admit to yourself breast is best, when it is a known fact. But with that, it is hard and its not for everybody. I wish more people would realize the amazing benefits and bond it creates.”
“I say each to their own but she is making it sounds way worse than it really is. The first two months are more demanding but it just gets easier and easier!!!”
But others weren’t so supportive.
“It’s really not surprising a girl from some reality TV show who now pimps out photos of herself and kids on Instagram for more fame would lack the education and intelligence to continue breastfeeding. Some people really should not have had kids…. Parenting takes sacrifice. It’s not all easy and yes breastfeeding takes sacrifice. Some moms like this girl are clearly not ready to be the best mothers.”
“To breastfeed is a personal decision, but in my opinion a baby is more important than leaking, using maternity bras, going to the gym, being a good wife??? OMG! Is only one year of your life… you have the rest of it to be “normal” again. Anybody can do whatever they want but it is a fact that human milk is the best option for a baby and that the other “things” are less important…”
“Breast feeding is natural. Your fatigue and anxiety may be reasons to stop breast feeding early but certainly are not good reasons to encourage other women to go down your path. I support you in your choice to stop breast feeding. Four months is awesome. You did great. You are probably a wonderful parent. Your post is however irresponsible.”
What do you think?
1 Comment
I can’t believe some of the comments here!
Most all of the negative comments made begin by saying they arnt judging but then find a way to make it clear they are actually judging.
It isn’t up to you to judge that person or their life. It is none of your business. Choosing not to continue breastfeeding for the better mental health of the mother is not an incorrect decision. It doesnt make you a bad parent who isn’t ready to have children. Knowing your capabilities and limitations as a person is an extremely strong mature decision.
My daughter is almost 2 years old and still breastfeeding. If I had my way I would have stopped at 4 months. She is relentless, demanding and can become violent if she doesn’t get it. She forcefully points at my breasts in front of others and demands whats hers. She calls out “my boobies” and will try to lift my shirt, smack and headbutt me if I do not comply. Our particular situation, my choice to continue to breastfeed for the first year, and her temperment as an individual has led to our breastfeeding experience becoming more of a jail sentence. An ongoing war that has continued to escalate since day 1. From hours upon hours of non-stop screaming at night and refusing to take anything else to the violent behaviours of today. I feel trapped by the constantantly evolving, seemingly never-ending challenges of breastfeeding. I feel like I cant get out of this with her. I have been trying steadily for 8 months to wean her.
You think it’s only a year of your life? Lol Rearing a child is a lifetime commitment. You need to feel up to the challenge of handling that commitment. You cant possibly if you dont take care of you first.
I still battle postpartum depression because I locked myself into the belief that I was doing what was best by pushing ahead no matter what to breastfeed. Sometimes the decision to back away is best. Sometimes situations only get worse from there. Think before you judge. There is always lots you do not know.