Disclosure: I created this post as a paid ambassador for Align® Probiotic. All opinions and advice are my own and I only work with companies I genuinely love and have used prior to being contacted.
I think I have always had some digestive issues; like father, like daughter. Feeling bloated all the time became a normal occurrence and; I had bloating and stomach issues every day. I figured that of course eating too much pizza or pasta was the cause. I came to accept that certain foods such as dairy would have that effect on my body.
Starting in my 20s, my weight began to creep up. Especially around my middle until I cut out the carbs, drop the weight, and then the cycle would start all over again. Fast forward quite a few of years, soon after having my second child in 2007, the bloating and stomach pain seemed to worsen. When having an episode of bad bloating once a month became a daily occurrence, I knew I had to look into it.
After consulting my doctor, I underwent a series of tests to check my iron levels, thyroid, as well diagnostic tests like an endoscopy and colonoscopy (oh fun). I also did a food allergy test which showed I may be lactose intolerant and sensitive to wheat, but thankfully the Celiac test came back negative.
Doctors couldn’t give me an explanation or solution to my constant discomfort. I felt as if I was left to figure things out on my own. I realized over time that eating grains would leave me feeling too full. So yet again, I went on a low-carb diet avoiding bread, pasta, most dairy products, and instead opted for fresh vegetables and fruits, and leaner cuts of meats. The eczema on my hand diminished, and I was feeling less sluggish.
In the past, such strict dietary restrictions become difficult to stick to, and I’m human! I craved pizza and pasta and I fell into the carb trap once again. By this point, everything I’d eat gave me an upset stomach and massive bloating. There were days I bloated so much, I looked six months pregnant.
Determined this time, I started keeping a log of what I would eat and then if there was any reaction. Was it the coffee, the acid in the coffee, the cream or the type of sugar I used? Was it the wheat, or the processing of the wheat that was wreaking havoc on my stomach?
I went to a Naturopathic Doctor and did a food sensitivity test which revealed all that I already suspected… and more. My stomach had become so irritated and inflamed from a long list of foods including wheat, dairy, and soy, and others that I had no idea were causing inflammation – eggs, bananas, peanuts. I was forced to cut these foods out of my diet to help my stomach heal.
Amongst the many changes I have made, I started taking Align® Probiotic daily to help bring my gut health back to normal. Probiotics are good bacteria that help our bodies function better and has benefits like helping your digestive system. Plus, the Align® formula contains a pure-strain of probiotic bacteria to relieve and manage symptoms of Irritable Bowl Syndrome such as abdominal discomfort, gas, and bloating.
Ever since I’ve been taking Align®, my stomach has been feeling so much better. I still steer clear of certain foods that cause discomfort, but I make it a priority to eat healthy, and take Align® to help keep me feeling my best.
One of the great things about Align® is that you don’t have to experience abdominal discomfort, gas or bloating to take it. Overall, it is a way to help support your gastrointestinal health, which is something your tummy will definitely thank you for!
This is a really informative post taken from a first-person perspective. I occasionally experience bloating too, but it is because I tend to eat too much too fast. Thankfully, probiotic supplements have helped me a lot and of course, I got rid of that “quick” meals habit too.
I’m glad you found something that is helpful for you! It’s so frustrating playing the elimination guessing game when lab results don’t give you the answers you needs.
I’m sorry you had to go through all that pain and so many tests, although, I’m glad your better now. My son, 35, has had this same type issues for years. He has gone to Drs., had the tests yet still no answers! I should talk him into another round of “dieting” (healthy eating) and have him try the Align.
This is such a very interesting and very informative post. I sometimes experiencing bloating most especially after eating pasta and I think this one is good for me.
I usually east my food slowly but when I tried to make it fast I am experiencing bloating and my tummy aches for the whole day, so I thin this supplement is good for me but of course for my safety I need to ask my Doctor about it.
I’m glad you were able to find a product that helps you feel better! I especially like that this comes in a version for children too!
Wow..what a great product. I love this. I totally want to try it out too.
Wow, what a journey! I am so glad you found something that works for you. Thanks for sharing all this.
Its so great you managed to find something that helped you. They look like a good product for the whole family
Probiotics can be so helpful at balancing out the bacteria in our guts. I don’t take one regularly but I do try to adjust my diet to avoid bloat and drink Kombucha on occasion or eat fermented foods.
I have not experienced this level of bloating (pain) yet. But, the tips you provided could possibly help me work through my own tum tum issues.
I do experience slight bloating time to time but not this severe 🙂 so thank you for sharing this information and helpful tips that I could use to alleviate the issues in the future 🙂