Another school year complete! Goodbye Grade 2 and Grade 5. It’s the last day of school for 2015.

Looking back at their first day of school, and comparing it to their last day, I can see how much they’ve grown – both physically as well as mentally and emotionally. In just a short school year, they’ve changed so much and reached new heights.

My kids both had wonderful years with their classmates, teachers and extra-curricular activities. We struggled a little bit with homework, especially math and science. But I think we’re on the right track for next year. Both will do EQAO assessment tests next year – it will be interesting to see how they score. While I know it’s just a glimpse into their learning abilities, it’s a good indicator to see where we need to focus their studies.

We’ll see huge developments in Grade 3 and 6. My eldest is close to reaching a new milestone, one that I will be forced to deal with while in complete and utter denial. My youngest is still at the stage where I can pick him up in my arms and carry him, but I know soon enough, I won’t be able to handle his weight any longer.

I feel as though we’ve been so comfortable into our routine and it’ll be tough to let it go! Don’t you find it bittersweet to look back at the past year and all of the accomplishments reached and memories made?

Off to a new summer adventure, one to write home about, and then time to prepare for a whole new year of fun and learning. So while the children scream, “Woohoooo! School’s out for summer”, mom is reaching for the Pinot Grigio.

Another School Year Complete 2015


Maria Lianos-Carbone is the author of “Oh Baby! A Mom’s Self-Care Survival Guide for the First Year”, and publisher of, a leading lifestyle blog for women.


  1. I didn’t realize our kids are in the same grade levels. My kids are going into 3rd and 6th too. I remember when my oldest went into 3rd grade it was the hardest year for him. My school’s teachers have warned us that 6th grade is going to be another year filled with lots of challenges. I’m glad we both survived the 2014-2015 school year. May the 2015-2016 school year be fun and easier than we expect.

    • You’re right, I think Grades 3 and 6 are a turning point for kids’ learning and some kids will feel the challenge more than others. Good luck to you and your kids too!

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